Help for dry, cracked feet

Help For Dry Cracked Feet


In the summer I spend lots of my time outside working wearing flip-flops.  My feet hate it, but I feel like I will suffocate if I wear shoes and socks in the summer.  I used to get deep cracks on my heels that were very painful.  I would soak them, and exfoliate them, and use foot creams, and scrape them with all kinds contraptions and none of it worked very well.  I would smear them with vaseline, or Neosporin and put socks on over the messy stuff to sleep, but nothing made much of a difference.  Then a friend of mine gave me this super cheap simple recipe and when I use it regularly I don’t have any problems with my feet.

1/3 C epsom salt
1/3 C cornmeal
1/3 C oil (I just use cooking oil because that’s what is in my cupboard.  You can use baby oil if you want to.)

Mix it all together.

Get a handful of it and rub your feet with it especially your heels then rinse it off.

I store it in a plastic container in my shower and use it to scrub my feet every time I take a shower.   Now I can make it through the summer without pain!

Good Luck!  I hope it works for you!