Making Applesauce

I love applesauce!  My family loves applesauce! We eat lots of applesauce that we make ourselves. It is super yummy and it’s nice to know that there is nothing in it but apples.




Using a Food Strainer

We have one piece of equipment that is necessary if you want to do a lot of apples.  It is called a food strainer.

It will take out the core, the peelings, and the stems, and create a lovely smooth texture for your applesauce.

When you set up your stainer you will need a large container for the applesauce and a smaller container for the skins, seeds, etc.

You can do this project in the kitchen, but if we have a big batch we like to set up our applesauce project outside because it can get a bit messy.  If the weather doesn’t want to cooperate we sometimes set up in the garage.


The steps for making applesauce are:

  • Wash  the apples
  • Cut them into chunks and remove bad spots( no need to remove seeds, core, stems or skin)
  • Fill a large pot with apple chunks and add water.  You will want to put in plenty of water so that they don’t scorch, at least a quart.
  • Cook until soft, stirring occasionally.


  • Pour off most of the excess water.  I pour it into the next pot of apples that I will be cooking down.  This speeds up the cooking process because the water is already hot.



  • Scoop the hot apples into the hopper of the strainer and crank it through.

In the following video I will show you this process.

Bottling Applesauce

After your applesauce comes through the strainer you will need to prepare your bottles for processing.

  • Wash the bottles.
  • Boil your lids.
  • Fill the bottles up to the bottom of the of the neck of the jar.
  • Clean off the rim of the jar.
  • Place the hot lid on the jar and twist on the ring. Don’t twist it on super tight.
  • Process your jars in a hot water bath for 20 minutes.  Start timing after the water is boiling.
  • Remove them from the hot water using canning tongs.  Do not leave them in the water to cool down.

I will show you this process in this video.

Enjoy your yummy applesauce!  Check out my other posts on things to do with apples.

Make applecider vinegar.

Make dried apples

Storing apples for winter

Is home canning safe?